Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is it okay for guys to read romance novels?

To be honest, every since my relationship ended I've had a keen interest in romance novels, is that bad for a guy? I mean I've never seen a guy read a romance novel before.Is it okay for guys to read romance novels?
It is okay to read anything. I wish some guys would take the time to read a handful of romance novels just to find ideas to spice up their relationships and maybe get a glimpse into women's minds. Most women won't admit that they wouldn't mind being the 'heroine' of a romance novel and being swept off of there feet by some 'tall, dark, brooding, mysterious stranger'.

The other thing is that now romance has a larger breakdown that does cater more to male readers interested in action and adventure. There is the Bullet Catcher series and books by Shannon McKenna both of which are more about ex CIA operatives saving chicks in distress. The books are fun and lively. The sex and intimacy are there but the adrenalin of a mystery or spy story are also woven in. I've read a few (can't recall the authors) where the woman (or at least one) is part of the secret elite force team and even she needs a strong man in her life.

Either way you don't have to read them out in public where you might feel others judging you. Or maybe find covers that are more general. Not the guy and the girl in a sweeping embrace. The choice however should always be yours.
Guys should read whatever they want!

Shake up your community by reading a romance novel in a public place like a park or restaurant or on the bus. Or, start a blog dedicated to guys reading romance.

Above all, enjoy what you read.

opinionIs it okay for guys to read romance novels?
Why shouldn't you? Reading is a pastime, not something that should give you your public image. Read what you want!

If you're that worried about your public image, read it in your room or something; one has to know about it!
Reading any genre is fine for anyone. Provided that you enjoy it, it need not be considered contradictory to anything else you like to do. Don't let others judge you for it.Is it okay for guys to read romance novels?
I think it's okay. I actually think it's a little sweet when guys read romance....
Look at it this way. Roughly half the people involved in romances are guys - so why shouldn't they read romance novels?
If you like it read it.
As much as it is for a girl to read an action book
Why not? Your time, your interests.
Yeah, why not?

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