Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why do girls/women like to read romance novels and vampires?

And what makes such a book good? I'm thinking about becoming an author to get rich, and romance is the most popular genre. Also, I've heard women love vampires. Why is that?

Give me some feedback on why you like these things and what makes you like them. The best answer will receive 10 points!Why do girls/women like to read romance novels and vampires?
Someone already said this, but a lot of women go for the vampire romance thing, because it IS the perfect love. Women want the perfect love, and when women read it, it's like a man and a hunter's magazine, they're crazy for it.

That is also why people say things like "I only want a man who sparkles" or whatever they come up with, because they view pale, cold, sparkly men as perfect lovers.

And honestly, if you want to be "rich," make something, or someone else, seem sexy, and perfect. Women will go nuts, if you pick the right words and people. Obviously, at one point in time, Vampires were not "sexy and perfect," so someone had to make them seem that way. If you sat the right things and make it big enough for someone to read it, people will pick up on what you do, and taa-daa, a new woman's desire is created.

Good luck writing!
okay not only do women like vampires but so do most girls, especially right now with all the Twilight maniac and other vampire romance bestsellers books. i think we like vampires cause we see them as the perfect creatures. they are sensual, beautiful, smart, faster, stronger, and are immortal

(which almost everyone one wants to be). they are mysterious, dark and exotic. we as humans are curios about them even if it kills us

and who wouldn't like to be seduce by a mysterious handsome creature of the darkness. females who want to escape their life usually do especially those who haven't fallen in love yet

Also to those who critique that vampires are undead so what?

they are only are one type of vampire than Bram Stroker invented from his imagination . there are many and as an author you can make them whatever you want them to be.

Be it undead or alive with a beating heartWhy do girls/women like to read romance novels and vampires?
Don't re-do Twilight. That's been done.

Women and girls loved it because of the romance and the fobidden love. It's about this perfect guy who's falls in love withan ordinary girl. We love it so much because it's what we dream of. Girls want that guy who is so deeply in love, and who seems to be perfect in every way. That's why Edward works. He's so damn 'perfect' and is so madly in love that he won't let anyone or anything harm the girl he loves. He has the perfect family.

And then there is Jacob. Jacob is the best friend who is there for Bella when she needs him most.

See the pattern? Fiction is about the make believe world that the reader gets lost in and can only dream of. And when you find some one who is like that character, thats when you fall in love. And that's what we wait for. And that's why romance is such a popular genre. Good luck.
People in general luuuuuurve a good fantasy novel, and vampires have indeed become mucho popular recently. Mostly because they are so dark and mysterious, although it appears that teenage girls these days prefer their vampires sparkly, queer and with similar characteristics to a stalker pedophile. Anyway, yes, romance is a popular genre, especially fantasy romance. Women generally like to feel like it could happen to them, and want to get lost in the story. But don't assume that all girls like the same thing.

Good luck, I hope I helped. xxxWhy do girls/women like to read romance novels and vampires?
The reason the Twilight books and co. are popular is because the vampires in them are sexy, exotic, charming and perfect.

Women like romance novels because they're interested in love and relationships.

Are you interested in writing for its own sake? or just the money? If its just the money, please think of something else. There are enough terrible books on the market already and good writers don't seem to be able to get a look in :(
Romance is popular as a genre, but the pay isn't great. The people who get rich writing romance novels are in the minority.

There are so many trillions of cheap romance novels on the market that you can't expect any particular story to catch on.

Romance comedy movies are the same way. They're low budget, dime a dozen, and rarely turn much of a profit.
Because vampires represent a kind of romance that doesn't exist, and quite honestly, that's what most women are looking for.

BTW...if you're trying to write to become rich and famous you will most likely fail.

Edit: most of the girls below forgot to mention "dead" as one of the great characteristics of vampires.
The vampire craze is only a trend right now because Twilight was such a huge hit. Because Stephanie Meyer made so much money from her series, other authors have used similar ideas to their own advantage.

In time, the vampire trend will die out and everyone will move on with something else, as does happen with all trends. :)
Women like to live vicariously through these novels, as if they are the ones being seduced by that hunky Spanish ship captain (I just made that up :P). They like to escape from their lives by going on adventures with vampires and other creatures alike because they offer mystique, passion, and danger.

I hope I helped =)
We girls/women love love stories we can't help it it's in are bones. HEres a back up question Why do men like action? also we like vampires because they can be fast so they are always there for us and we can live with them for all eternaly.

Hope it helps
Vampires are sexy and mysterious that don't exist. This gives a taste of what perfect creatures are.

Romance is exciting that some women don't experience. Either they have a broken heart or they love the excitement out of it.
Because their mysterious and unknown. It's an escape from real life into something that's every girls dream. hot romantic guys who care all about the girl.
oh god, please, not more vampire romance novels...
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