Thursday, February 2, 2012

I'm looking for lesbian themed novels with a solid relationship/romance storyline?

I'm just coming out of my first semester of university(finals start tomorrow and end next tuesday!) and I want some non-academic things to read over the break. Something well written and queerXD I'm specifically looking for lesbian books, especially with a kind of butch/femme dynamic but if you have a favorite relationship centric m/m novel or trans romance novel I'd still love if you'd rec it to me!I'm looking for lesbian themed novels with a solid relationship/romance storyline?
Annie on my mind

Keeping you a Secret by Julie Anne Peters

Empress of the World

Luna by Julie Anne Peters (centers around a transgender)I'm looking for lesbian themed novels with a solid relationship/romance storyline?
Try Artemis Oakgrove's Throne of Council trilogy. Or Ellen Galford's The Dyke and the Dybbuk (which is more butch/demon, but wevs!) There's also the Penguin Book of Lesbian Short Stories!

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