Sunday, February 5, 2012

Does anyone know of any good christian romance novels?

i luv romance novels, but they need to be Christian. I have read the cheney and shiloh series, and loved it.Does anyone know of any good christian romance novels?
Since most of the romance genre is about people sneaking away for forbidden love, I'd have to say no. Maybe you should write something about an obedient wife who gets turned on exclusively by her husband, except on Sundays (which is the Lords Day, of course), for 50 years. They raise kids, and then one of them dies, but that's okay with the other one, who trusts God.
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers (awesome book!!!) - I think most of her books are romance and Christian based.Does anyone know of any good christian romance novels?
Isn't that an oxymoron?
Try anything by "Karen Kingsbury". She has the best Christian novels that I have ever read. She has won several awards. She also has a website, you should check her out.Does anyone know of any good christian romance novels?
Dee Henderson writes great Christian romance novels. I've read several of her books. Check out the website:
Have you read 'The Spectrum Chronicles' by Thomas Locke?

He is a Christian writer, and it is the central theme of the series, through they are fantasy books, with teleporters, space ships, and all the good stuff :)

The are four books in the series:

1. Light Weaver

2. Dream Voyager

3. Path Finder

4. Heart Chaser

The first one follows a young 'earth' guy who fall into a coma and finds himself on another world, along with another young human girl named Consuela. The rest of the series follows Consuela when she is older and travels to another planet, falls in love and has to save the galaxy, pretty much.

Very much like Anne McCaffrey's 'Talent/Tower and the Hive' books, but very enjoyable.

I remember reading them years ago in High School, and loved all of them. Beautiful covers on the books too. The religious themes are very heavy throughout the book, mostly with Consuela battling her beliefs while on another planet, but she sticks very strongly with her Christian teachings.
Try a christian bookstore.
A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks. Its about a guy from the wrong side of the tracks who falls in love with a young christian girl... theres more, like serious obstacles and stuff, but I wont spoil it. I was in tears the whole last 3 chapters
Tahn, Return to Alastair, and The Scarlett Trefoil, by L.A. Kelly are EXCELLENT Christian romance novels, especially if you like medieval/fantasy kind of books. Also, Blink, by Ted Dekker is's pretty romantic.
Try Lori wick's books. I enjoyed fire by night and Eve's Daughters
Try this author.

J. California Cooper !!!!

You will absolutely love her books! Some are novels and some are a collections of short stories that all have a lesson in them and are intoxicatingly colorful!

Here are a few titles:

A Piece of Mine:

In Search of Satisfaction

The Matter Is Life

Some Love, Some Pain, Sometime

Homemade Love

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