Sunday, February 5, 2012

What is the difference between Porn and Romance Novels?!?

Men watch porn.

Women read romance novels.

Yet women act all outraged and disgusted when they hear that men watch porn? Why is this?

Have you actually read some of these so-called "Romance Novels" recently? They are pretty explicit and their target audience is WOMEN!

Why is it OK for women to READ really hardcore sex scenes...but men can't watch it?!?What is the difference between Porn and Romance Novels?!?
I know what you mean. You're talking about those smutty and/or harlequin type novels right? Anyway the answer is simple: hypocrites.
I think there is a difference between reading a novel and watching people have sex on the internet. Romance novels are escapism, and I don't think porn is the equivalent. The equivalent of romance novels for men is adventure stories like Clive Cussler for instance (my husband's favourite author), or sci-fi or westerns or something like that.

Men who watch porn are often more interested in doing that than in making love to their wives (judging by what I read on Marriage and Divorce on here anyway). It is depressing for a woman to see her husband drooling over naked women on the internet when he could be with her.

And not all men watch porn (for that matter not all women read romance novels).What is the difference between Porn and Romance Novels?!?
uh... words and images are very different. if you see porn, then it is worse than reading porn. besides, video porn makes loud wierd noises and it's explicit, while a kid can read porn and he wont get punished, the book just gets taken away. it's too hard to explain to you...
Romance novels would be more like R-rated movies rather than X-rated or NC-17 movies. The written equivalent of porn is known as "erotica." Erotica uses words that Yahoo would censor out if I typed them here, while romance novels use less graphic terms.What is the difference between Porn and Romance Novels?!?
LMAO i honestly have never had a problem with my husband watching porn....heck i am usually the one buying the play boy magazines or whatever else he wants for him... he goes to bed with me...not the girls in the porn...
Most women don't read romance novels. It's intellectual garbage. But according to what I have heard, most men look at porn. (Not that that answers your question, I'm just saying).

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