Thursday, February 2, 2012

Good romance novels for a 21 year old female?

What are some good romance novels? Im 21 years old. I dont really like the whole old time set ones, or the ones about knights and stuff like that. I just want to find somthing that is for my age, and a good love story! Thanks for all your help! =)Good romance novels for a 21 year old female?鈥?/a>

try any of these. danielle steel is a gifted writer
"Possession: A Romance" by A.S. Byatt is a romance, a mystery, a ruthless competition, and always back to romance... A great book that won the Booker Prize.

"The Shipping News" by Anne Proulx won her a Pulitzer, and is about several forms of romance, including dejected and elated and all between, set (mostly) in Newfoundland.

"Love in the Time of Cholera" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is love South American-style; almost magical and always present.Good romance novels for a 21 year old female?
I'm 21 years old and here are some books that I love:

The Twilight Series ( don't let the fact that most of the fans are 14 year old giggling girls deter you, it is really a great book. My mom even loves it.)

Books by Sarah Dessen are also great reads even though they are geared toward teens

Nicholas Sparks books are great. My favorites are:

True Believer,The Gaurdian, The Notebook (ofcourse), and A Walk to Remember.

James Patterson has a few really good love stories as well like Sam's letters to Jennifer and Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas.

If you like Christian fiction you could try books by:

Beverly Lewis

Karen Kingsbury

Lynn Austen

Tracy Peterson

Some of Nora Robert's love stories are pretty good, not really my favorite but they aren't terrible.

These might be set in too old of a time period for you but they are great!:

Love in the Time of Cholera


Little Women

An Old Fashioned Girl - by Louisa May Alcott

Anything by Jane Austen -She is the best...period.

Try these!! Hope I helped!! :)
You should try The Witching Hour by Anne Rice if you haven't already. Then Cry to Heaven by the same author.

Flowers in the Attic is a complex love story by V.C. Andrews, although I suggest that you look it up before buying it.

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. A beautiful and tragic romance. And Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov.

The Princess Bride by William Goldman. A timeless classic of true love and high adventure.

Almost anything by Edith Wharton.

A Room With A View, Howard's End, and Where Angels Fear to Tread by E.M. Forester.

And currently, that's all that I can really think of. I do hope that helped.Good romance novels for a 21 year old female?
Nora Roberts. ANYTHING and EVERYTHING she writes is amazing. Every book contains murder and some serious romance. But these aren't the kind of books that have buff half naked men on them, lol. Nora Roberts also writes as J.D. Robb and has a few futuristic romance novels.
I am exactly the same age as you. I love Meg Cabot and Sophie Kinsella's books. I am in the process of reading Emily Giffin's books. They are all great authors!

There is a yahoo group called perfect books that has exactly what you are looking for. I have been reported for attaching the link (soliciting) so if your interested send me an email.
There's a non-fiction book called My Sergei by Ekaterina Gordeeva about the figure skating power couple that I adored. Read it with a box of tissues.

I read it ages ago but it still manages to make me cry lol.
you should read this book its realy good

Hooked by Matt Richtel

here the link鈥?/a>
Read the Notebook, or Message in a bottle, by the same author. They're great romance novels.

author: Nicholas Sparks
try these....鈥?/a>
I was going to suggest Kathleen Woodewis, but she rights romance novels set in old world Europe.
most nicholas sparks books have a love theme behind them and i enjoy his books

also danielle steel novels are good
Get a man. Your life will be more exciting so you won't need to get it from romance novels.
The Bible has a lot of love stories for all ages, male and female
"How The Other Half Lives" and "If the Slipper Fits"
Mr Maybe. Don't all women have it?

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