Sunday, February 5, 2012

Looking for a publishing company for romance novels?

I'm currently working on a romance novel but don't have any idea of any companies who could publish it. I need some help!

What are some of the more well-known romance novel publishing companies in the U.S.?Looking for a publishing company for romance novels?
I suggest you join a romance writer's forum such as Romance Divas. Read through it first and get a feel for what's happening in the romance world. You need to do some research about publishing.

There are dozens of publishers in the US who deal exclusively in romance. Not to mention the massive general publishers who have romance lines.

Harlequin/Silhouette is the largest romance publisher in the world, but they have very specific guidelines for what they want.

Writing the novel is only half the battle.Looking for a publishing company for romance novels?
There is no commpany in general that would really work for you. What you could do, (also what I did) is find some of the same genre of books like yours, find one that you like and chose that publishing company.Looking for a publishing company for romance novels?
Try Harlequin - here is a link to their site where they will critique your manuscript:;jse鈥?/a>

Good luck!
Read Writer's Market and see who is buying. Follow the submission suggestions to the letter.

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