Sunday, February 5, 2012

Women, what is the appeal of vampires in romance novels?

To women, what is the appeal of vampires in romance novels? The danger? His insatiable lust? The hope of reform? What is it?Women, what is the appeal of vampires in romance novels?
the appeal is hes so cold and breath taking. like a ribbon tat goes around u that surrounds u in cold air... omg i luv twilight edward so hot!!!
haha the facts that hes not real.Women, what is the appeal of vampires in romance novels?
GOOD FRIGGIN QUESTION!!!! Twilight makes NO sense to me!!!!!!
Probably the fact that it just isn't supposed to happen.

I myself don't understand why females are attracted to stories with vampires.Women, what is the appeal of vampires in romance novels?
i think it depends on how they are portrayed...most are gorgeous

and the insatiable lust...that's pretty much it.

a bit shallow isn't it?
the intensity of their love and loyalty....the danger they represent, like knowing they are sooo deadly but they wont ever harm you, they'll rather kill for you...their beauty (notice how there isnt any good vampire who isnt goodlooking)...but above all, the fact that they dont exist lol
i think it's that one edward guy (sounds like a gay in the closet to me)

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