Sunday, February 5, 2012

Passionate romance novels that deal with human nature?

I'm really in the mood for a well-written, passionate romance novel for some reason. So I'd love some recommendations.

Please no Twilight or Nicholas Sparks.Passionate romance novels that deal with human nature?
Unbroken Hearts

Through the dust of Main Street the men caught sight of a young woman on a white pony. Ned Kingman, Lola's hired man, was standing with his head bowed alongside her. A small group of men crushed in on the pair.'鈥?/a>


you can find good deals on ebay鈥?/a>Passionate romance novels that deal with human nature?
Looking for Alaska by John Green. He's my favourite author, so I'll also recommend Paper Towns by him. The latter is a bit of a mystery novel, but it's also romantic and very passionate. Although, perhaps not passionate in the romantic sense...

Both are very well written, I assure you. (:

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