Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tips on making character emotional or tips on writing romance novels?

well i'm writing a young adult romance novel (NO vampires etc in it - just humans) and i'm having a little bit of trouble with the emotional part - like the first kiss etc. so any tips on writing a romance novel or emotion scenes?Tips on making character emotional or tips on writing romance novels?
There's a good book by Noah Lukeman (that I happened to be re-re-re-re-reading again yesterday, because I always end up going back to it for more advice), called "The Plot Thickens". Ironically, the first half of the book is actually about developing good characters. He gives a lot of exercises that you can apply to your characters to really flesh out what makes them tick, and what makes them real.

The reason becomes clear at the end of the section, where he shows how to take that information and use specific plotting techniques that help reveal (SHOW) those character traits vs. excessive amateurish prose describing (telling about) them.

It really helps to create more emtionally realistic characters, and then things like the first kiss, etc., actually become pretty obvious and automatic.

It's also useful to read other books in your chosen genre and see how other authors handle it. In some cases, you'll laugh and decide it stinks and you definitely DON'T want to do it THAT way. But in other cases, you'll get an idea what works (what kept your attention and made you see and feel the scene) and with a little careful analysis you can probably figure out WHY it worked so well.

Look for Lukeman's book in a book store and browse it. It's less than $20. Well worth it. I really like the way he "teaches" through his writing and I'm recommending him all the time.Tips on making character emotional or tips on writing romance novels?
Yeah stick to what u know... I once tried writing a romance ( I have never even been in a relationship) and it was awful!!!

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Tips on making character emotional or tips on writing romance novels?
I'll give you a hint - if you've never been through a similar emotion, there's no way you can portray that emotion on paper or in your writing.

I'm not saying you have to experience everything - but you have to at least understand it. If you've never had a kiss, chances are you aren't going to write a very good romance novel.

Stick to what you know and love. It will make those characters and emotions pop.
add as much detail as you can!!!

well....write the way you felt when you had your first kiss etc. and that could possibly boost the feeling and and make the story better!!!

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