Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why dont romance publishers consider romance novels set in the 1940's as historical?

I want to write a romance novel set during and after World War II.Why dont romance publishers consider romance novels set in the 1940's as historical?
Perhaps it is because it is still "within living memory" - there are plenty of people still alive who remember the '40sWhy dont romance publishers consider romance novels set in the 1940's as historical?
What publishers are you looking at? I've seen where some publishers consider historical romance to be set before the 1950s. So, I guess it depends which publisher you're talking about. If you want to write it then write it, and if they don't consider it historical romance, then just use whatever classification they have for it, unless you really want it to be known as historical romance. Other than this, I can't tell you why generally they prefer historical set before a certain time period. Maybe it has to do with changes in society between those time periods and modern day, IDK.鈥?/a>Why dont romance publishers consider romance novels set in the 1940's as historical?
I think it depends on the content. If it is primarily romance, I think it's considered a romance novel, just as most romance novels are set in some other century. But there is also sub-genres like "historcal romance".

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