Tuesday, February 21, 2012

(FOR THE LADIES) What is it about romance novels that you love?

I know there are a lot of women who enjoy reading romance fiction. I'm just curious as to why? What is it that you enjoy or find appealing the most. Is the 'boy-meets-girl' scenario. Do you enjoy supernatural/historical romances? Is it the character development that draws you into the story? Share your thoughts....(FOR THE LADIES) What is it about romance novels that you love?
they give me the romance i need in life when i don't have it.My life lacks romanticism and drama and that's why i watch hallmark movies:)) dramas, cheesy tom hanks(uhh) films.Now I'm starting to read homosexual stories, war love stories and feminists like Colette

....hmmm and it's male thoughts i'm interested in too
Drama.(FOR THE LADIES) What is it about romance novels that you love?
ugh. i hate romance novels, they are all the same. big strong tempermental hunk meets fiesty mary-sue heroine, they argue amidst palpable sexual tension, he awakens long suppressed feelings of vulnerability in her, she tames his bad-boy ways and reveals a tenderness he never knew he had...puke!
its the idea of the perfect love. although it usually leaves me feeling bitter about my own experiences, it gives me hope in knowing that one day i might get that perfect ending, that a true gentleman actually exists, that no matter who the girl is now matter what her flaws and faults she always finds a man who loves her for them.(FOR THE LADIES) What is it about romance novels that you love?
It's something that we all want in real life, and when you start to read a book, it just gives you some kind of hope, ya know what I mean? You get to step inside the world of someone who has someone to love them, and kind of get to experience what it would be like, and I guess after you're done you might feel a little crappy that you don't exactly have whatever the person in the book had, but it gives you that little fighting hope inside that maybe someday you will.

At least that's why I read them...I know, a little cheesy right?
hate them,,, they are so wrong ,,,no love scene is like that in real life,,,
the way that they show the relationships like anything is possible if you have the willpower to maintain it one of the best things about a romance novel is that love is often where the source of willpower comes from and i mean seriously who doesnt like happy endings? (that was a rhetorical question)
I love romance.

I love the story and the relationship and the conflicts. Not all the heros are Alpha Male jerks and the heroines are increasingly sharp and independent. Modern romance novels are as far from ye olde bodice ripper as the McLaren F1 is from the Model T.

I love the way authors portray all the infinite ways there are for two perfect strangers to fall in love. And I appreciate the conflicts. Love isn't all fluffy bunnies and pink clouds. Whether it's historical, paranormal, or contemporary, the couples go through real trials to be together. They have to determine whether they really CAN make a relationship work.

Primarily, it's about the characterization. I love when an author has really made me feel for the characters and their conflicts.

They're not all the same. Not by a long shot. With all the different sub-genres, and all the vastly different voices and styles of current authors, you really never know what you'll find when you open the pages.
I love vampire-human romance with the man being the vampire and the human girl. It's just so dangerous and forbidden. It's usual the rough sex plot that attracts me. Besides in reality guys are not really attentive of a woman's sexual needs whereas in the romance novels men really know how to bring her pleasure. But I don't like the sappy moronic stories where they fall in love and live happily ever after cos that's just pathetic. I find the forbidden romance more appealing and they necessarily have to happily ever after and most they don't. I love the 'Dead' series by Charlaine Harris and the 'Twilight' series by Stephenie Meyer. They're are my romance novels at the moment and they both involve vampire romance. lol
Escape......a mind vacation.....
To me they are pure escapist fun. I love knowing that at the end the characters are going to have their HEA (happy ever after) or at least something close to it. I am too aware of real life and I like to get lost in a good romance for at least a tiny while. Important to me are characters, followed by a plot that hooks me off the bat. I don't like overtly melodramatic plots though, those make me gag, to be honest.

My favorite types are paranormal and historical romance. Contemporaries are a very distant third.
if i can relate to a main character

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