Saturday, February 18, 2012

What romance novels have you read AND found appealing?

Anyone? I'm in need of books and I need titles! Preferably, tragic romances.

FYI, I write stories too, so I need to brush up on my writing with reading (:

Thanks!What romance novels have you read AND found appealing?
If you want a tragic romance, Atonement by Ian McEwan is the best.

It's one of the few books that's ever made me cry.

I haven't read most of these but have heard that they're really good.

-Anna Karenina

-Wuthering Heights

-Love Story

-Jane Eyre

-Romeo and Juliet

-Phantom of the Opera

-The Age of Innocence (from here down i've read and recommend)

-Snow Falling on Cedars

-The Cement Garden (i would only consider this a romance because there are 2 people in love in it, though they are brother and sister..if you don't like incest, don't read this haha)

-some people consider The Notebook tragic, but I don't think it is...I wouldn't really recommend it either, because I didn't think it was that good, but alot of people like it..

Oh, and I have a book called Malinche that I haven't read yet, but the inside flaps say it's a tragic love affair...? :P
Try Redeeming Love and Mark of the Lion series both by Francine Rivers. They are well written and a little sad.What romance novels have you read AND found appealing?
Mandingo is a really good urban book
Only one, House of a Thousand Lanterns by Victoria HoltWhat romance novels have you read AND found appealing?
Twighlight - Stephany Mayor

and the sequels



Breaking dawn

and also Angel by katie price

those books are very good if you want a romantic novel

Hope This helps x
'The Blue Lagoon', by Henry De Vere Stacpoole is one of my favorite books of all time, and I don't even like romances. Tradgedy strikes all throughout the story. You should check out the movie too.
I hate romance novels, but since I write, I know that they have their valid place among literary works, so I try to read them here and there when I am looking for a book to read.

Karen White wrote one that I really like because the ending isn't so happy and perfect that it makes you want to vomit. It's got a lot of bittersweet moments, and two tragedies. The book is called "Memories of Water". She's a good writer, and I intend to read more of her work when I feel like reading a romance novel because she doesn't make them overly sappy.
I would suggest Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
Pride %26amp; Prejudice is good, as is Persuasion, though neither is tragic.

Hmm, a tragic romance. Well, you could always go with Bronte. Wuthering Heights is certainly tragic, but I found it extraordinareily droll...Heathcliffe and Cathy make me want to retch.
Twilight. Don't think its just a book for teenage girls book who like to fantasize over gorgeous vampires it is a really good book. My english teacher read it and loved it as well as loads of boy i know. (they are not gay) It is really romantic and a brilliant read. Don't judge a book before you read it.
Jane Austen!

She's not tragic, but definitely good if you want to brush up on your reading. I absolutely love her books! Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is good too.

Malorie Blackman's Noughts and Crosses series is really good, and is also pretty tragic, especially the first one. It's a lot more modern as well, so is easier to read.

Hope I helped! =]
Twilight is a great romance, don't judge it on the movie or anything cos the book is 5 million times better than the movie.

City Of Bones by Cassandra Clare is a kind of love story- I liked it loads, if you liked Twilight you'll like this book.

Newes Of the Dead by Mary Hooper is good- its set in 1650 and about a girl who is hanged for being wrongly accused of being a wh*re basically but she survives. Theirs a love story kinda twisted into that.

The House of Night series is a romance about a girl who is changing into a vampire. :o)

Numbers by Rachel Ward, thats a good one too. :o)
My favorite romance is Pride and Prejudice, but it's not tragic.

Tragic ones include:

* Wuthering Heights

* Jane Eyre (semi-tragic)

* Romeo and Juliet

* The Phantom of the Opera (and the modern retelling Phantom, by Susan Kay)

* The Lady of Shalott

* The Hunchback of Notre Dame

* The English Patient

* The Age of Innocence

* Anna Karenina

* The Return of the Native

* The Thorn Birds

* Possession (Byatt)

* almost anything Arthurian

* Antony and Cleopatra

* Othello

If you love tragic romances, you simply must develop a taste for opera. Opera SPECIALIZES in tragic romance. Some accessible ones to start with include La Boheme, Tosca, La Traviata, and Carmen.

Here is the final scene from La Boheme (which the musical Rent is based on):鈥?/a>

For the lyrics, scroll down to the part of scene 4 where Mimi opens her eyes and says "Have they gone? I pretended to sleep because I wanted to be left alone with you" on this page:鈥?/a>

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